Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Time

It seems I have been slack in bloging but better late than never. It has been a fun summer so far. We took a trip to Wilmington to visit Matthew and Andrea. Matias loved the pool but hated the ocean. He loved the sand even took a few bites of it when we were not looking.

Today we tried a movie at the theater. We made it for all but the last 30 minutes of it, which is pretty good for an 11 month old. The movies at birkdale is having free movies on Tues and Weds mornings in July. So we went for the movie with some friends then had a picnic lunch in the shade. Good times.

At the end of this month Matias will be 1! That is hard to believe. with 4 almost 5 teeth now he is eatting mostly "grown up food" now, jibber jabbering and says a few words in Spanish and English. He is also cruising around the house and crawling faster than I can keep up with him. I love being a mom. Matias is truly a gift. We love him with all our hearts.

1 comment:

H3@th3r said...

Awesome! :) time flies doesn't it?