Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Time

It seems I have been slack in bloging but better late than never. It has been a fun summer so far. We took a trip to Wilmington to visit Matthew and Andrea. Matias loved the pool but hated the ocean. He loved the sand even took a few bites of it when we were not looking.

Today we tried a movie at the theater. We made it for all but the last 30 minutes of it, which is pretty good for an 11 month old. The movies at birkdale is having free movies on Tues and Weds mornings in July. So we went for the movie with some friends then had a picnic lunch in the shade. Good times.

At the end of this month Matias will be 1! That is hard to believe. with 4 almost 5 teeth now he is eatting mostly "grown up food" now, jibber jabbering and says a few words in Spanish and English. He is also cruising around the house and crawling faster than I can keep up with him. I love being a mom. Matias is truly a gift. We love him with all our hearts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Adventures in Solid Foods-Long overdue update.

Sorry it has been so long. To be honest many times I forget to blog. Time passes by and before I know it months have past and no blogging. So anyway Matias is eatting solids now. It has been an adventure. New textures, new tastes and new diapers! So far he has liked everything but green veggies. I can't say that I blame him. I tasted them and yuck! But if you add a little fruit shazam much better and he eats them all up.

Matias is also becoming more mobile. He currently rolls all over, but is trying to crawl. Before I know it he will be chasing me around the house instead of crying when I step out of his site for a moment. One of his favorite places to go is under the couch. He hasn't quite made it completely under the couch but he has come close. Yes I have pictures.

He is chattering and trying to talk. The other day he said DaDa. It was so sweet.

It snowed a couple weeks ago. We got between 5-8 inches. It was beautiful. Pablo built a snow man. We named him Wrenn. We took Matias out for his first snow experience. I don't think he knew quite what to do. But he seemed to like Wrenn.

We traveled up to Brevard for Cousin Wesley's 2nd birthday. It was our first time there. What a beautiful place. I know we will go back.

This Saturday we will celebrate my 30th birthday. Yes I have been around for 3 decades. I am pretty excited about turning 30. I feel invigerated like it is a new season of my life and I look forward to see what this year will bring. To be continued...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with Matias

We had a great Christmas with Matias. This being his first and he being the first grandbaby he got lots of toys. Sadly today he was sick. He seems to be feeling better now but oh how sad it makes me when he isn't feeling well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dairy Free

I have started a dairy free diet for Matias. Since I am his only source of nutrients and he seems to be having issues with dairy I am cutting back on dairy. I have heard that dairy is one of the most difficult things for our bodies to digest. So per pediatritans orders I am giving this a try. Shoping for groceries is difficult as your common everyday store isn't geared towards dairy free consumers. There are things I bought that I thought were dairy free but contain some form of dairy. That'll teach me to stick to the list. I have only been doing this for a few days so I still crave things like ice cream but Iam finding alternatives. I ordered 2 books today to help with this change one for Pablo and I one for Matias. So the adventure begins. This will be my journal of going dairy free. Maybe it will help you too.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008- Now what?!

I received this encouraging word from my pastor today and I whole heartedly agree.

Let us shift our prayers toward Barack Obama, the salvation of him and his family, his protection and he would be used by the Lord, etc...Byron’s sense is we are not to be critical and complaining but are to pray for our leaders as Paul directed us to.

1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

“If we will have this heart I know we will be in sync with the heart of God. We will have to trust Him with the results of the election.” Blessings, bw

My two cents: After all what good does it do to groan and complain? Let's just be glad that we still have a voice. We should use that voice to encourage rather than discourage, to build up not tear down. LIFE and death are in the tongue. I choose LIFE. God is in control. He is not surprised, He will protect and keep us safe.

We can let our desires be known by contacting our senators and reps. This is not a time to give up or lie down. Now more than ever before is the time to lift up our leaders in prayer and join together. Let us be like the sons of Isaccar knowing the signs of the times and acting accordingly.

Resting snuggly in HIS arms,

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Skies

Pablo is playing soccer and loving it. I enjoy watching the games. It is a good way to get outside and enjoy the Fall air. It also gives my parents the opportunity to watch Matias and give Pablo and I some 'us' time.

In other news. the RLF women's retreat is next weekend. I can't wait. I know it will be awesome. I love the mountains. It will be Matias's first time in the Mountains. I think he will like it too.

This past Saturday the boys went to a race. They seemed to enjoy it.

Well that is about it. Yeah sorry short post. But it's something.

Monday, October 6, 2008

It Hurts Daddy. Can you fix it?

As I was reading the latest post on To the Ends of the Earth came to mind that people are much like these dogs. They have "fleas" aka issues, have been sitting in their own "urine and feces" aka sins and even 'bite' hurt each other. And yet we are called to love them. No matter how wretched they are. We were all wretched but for the grace of God. We always need HIS eyes to see, HIS ears to hear and HIS heart to love. HE is always asking us to do things that make us cringe and sometimes want to puke but like you say in your post (Paula will not put you in danger) HE will not ask us to do something that will ultimately kill us (our flesh yes, our pride yes, our reputation, could be) but to live is Christ and to die to self is gain right?

So many things have been happening in the lives of those I dearly love lately my heart breaks for them. It is true when one member of the body hurts the whole body hurts. Its a reminder to me that but for the grace of God it could be me. And I daily need to lift up my loved ones to Papa God and let HIM care for their wounds. As much as I hurt for them HE hurts more, but HE can heal and restore.